
A group for iOS and Mac developers who want to explore all that's new and fascinating in Apple development. Expect deep dives and bleeding edge stuff.

We meet quarterly in London. For updates on new events, join the Meetup group or follow us on Mastodon, X/Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube.

If you are interested in speaking at a future event, then please fill in our speaker proposal form. We welcome first-time speakers and want to help you get started.

Code of Conduct

2024.5 at NewDay

Juan Marin & Sergio Padron — How we've built and scaled 17 apps from 1 codebase at NewDay

Raul Menezes — Scaling Bumble's Design System: The Bumble-SwiftUI Solution

Andrea Antonioni — The Evolution of Yelp iOS Search

It's Glowtime at Deloitte Digital

September Event Keynote viewing party

2024.4 at Google

Peter Friese — How I used Firebase, Gemini, Genkit, and Siri to build a second brain

Jacob Bartlett — My Toddler Loves Planes, So I Built Her A Radar

Ross Butler — Synthetic Testing in Server-Side Swift

WWDC24 at Deloitte Digital

Keynote viewing party

2024.3 at Capital One

Anastasia Petrova — Hidden engineering costs and complexities of A/B testing

Adam Fallon — Trainline's path to production with Gen AI

Richard Das — Engineering Fitness with AirPods & Pushups

2024.2 at Monzo

Markos Zoulias Charatzas — Debugging Closed Source Code - A whodunnit mystery

Mohamed El Eryan — Spatial Shift: Navigating the Future of Business in the Era of Spatial Computing

2024.1 at Trainline

Phil Nash — Rewiring your brain, with Test Driven Thinking

Marcel Mierzejewski — Redefining Crypto in Revolut 10: A Case of Pragmatic iOS Development

2023.5 at Onfido

Rahul Amin — Onfido Demo

Muralidharan Kathiresan — How to Create a Good Pull Request - and How to Review One?

Nikita Maidanov — How to Get More In-App Subscriptions

Wonderlust at Deloitte Digital

September Event Keynote viewing party

2023.4 at Ford

Simon Leigh — Ditto: Next-Level Mobile Connectivity, Offline-First Database and Peer-to-Peer Sync for Uninterrupted App Performance

Haz Hubble — Building an AI concierge

Tony Short — The First Thing That is Useful

2023.3 at Monzo

Jonathan Crooke — Scaling iOS at Bumble

Freddie Nicholson — Swift Playgrounds in the classroom with Bouncer

Jacob Bartlett — SwiftUI at scale

2023.2 at AWS

Sebastien Stormacq — Swift, Serverside, Serverless

Andrea Scuderi — Serverless in Swift Like a Breeze

WWDC23 at Deloitte Digital

Keynote viewing party

2023.1 at Just Eat

Tanin Rojanapiansatith — iOS Accessibility — Why/What/How?

Pete Heslop — The Smart Creatives

2022.3 at Bumble

Nikita Mounier — The Composable Architecture… as a high school student

Anurag Ajwani — Modular iOS

2022.2 at Cuvva

Andrew Hart — Building a Spatial Experience: Best practices with AR

Aadil Qureshi — iOS to fight Climate Change

2022.1 at Deloitte Digital

Oliver Binns — Scaling Mobile for a Global Pandemic

Pranav Kasetti — Exploring Swift Collections

2021.4 at GoodNotes

Bruno Bilescky — Scaling your app

Jacob Bartlett — Clean Networking with Combine

Abdul Ajetunmobi — Quick intro to ShazamKit

2021.3 on Zoom

Yahya Saddiq — Swift Memory Management and Debugging

2021.2 on Zoom

Pranav Kasetti — Exploring Swift Algorithms

2021.1 on Zoom

2020.4 on Zoom

2020.3 on Zoom

Andrea Scuderi — AWS Lambda in Swift

2020.2 on Zoom

Q1 2020 at Bloomberg

Marcin Iwanicki & Kas Wridan — Beyond Unit Tests

Finlay Dobbie — A whirlwind tour of Unicode

Mini at Yoyo

Angela Yu — Best Practices with Google Maps Platform in iOS

Kas Wridan — The grey areas of UI testing

Q4 2019 at Revolut

Diomidis Papas — Decomposing an iOS application into modules

Lightning Talks

Ross Butler — Solving the captive portal problem on iOS

Abdul Ajetunmobi — How giving up control can actually be smart

Daniel Tull — I've got a brand new Combine publisher

Aled Samuel — Seeing in the Dark

Q3 2019 at The MediaWorks

Rob Whitaker — Mobile Digital Inclusion - Accessibility Without the 'V' Word

Jonathan Rothwell — So you can sleep at night — Ethics in software engineering

Q2 2019 at Capital One

Paul Hudson — Understanding the Standard Library

Sam Stone — Hacking the iOS Simulator

Mini with Orta Therox at Finch's

iOS Women, Queer, Trans & Non-Binary Breakfast at Carluccio's

Q1 2019 at Trainline

Matthew Hasler and Oliver Poole — UI testing without the UI

Joshua Garnham — Pushing Protocols to Their Limits

Douglas Hill — Full keyboard control in iOS apps

Sam Clewlow — A brave new mobile world

Q3.5 2018 at Deliveroo

Jessica Rose — Burnout and Balance

Carla Goldstein — Dynamic UITableViews do’s and don’ts

Daniel Leivers — GraphQL for mobile developers

Q2 2018 at Facebook

Meghän Kane — The State of ML for iOS… On the Advent of WWDC 2018 🕯🤓

John Sundell — The Magic of UI Testing

Mini with Orta at Artsy Happy Hour

Mini with @Vixentael at The Black Dog

Q1 2018 at Google

Maxim Cramer — Code, Culture, and Colleagues

Graham Lee — Object-Oriented Programming in Functional Programming in Swift

October 2017 at Facebook

Johannes Weiß — Demystifying Copy-on-Write in Swift

Thomas Paul Mann — Building AR Studio

NSLondon & Swift London Xmas special at Skills Matter at CodeNode

Samuel Giddins — Understanding Why Strings are Evil

Lightning Talks

Abizer Nasir — Empathy isn't enough

Special live stream talk

Chris Eidhof

November 2016 at WeWork

Oliver Wang Hansen — Server Side Swift

Miguel Angel Quinones — Minimum Viable Tooling

David Okun — From C++ to Swift - Modern Cross-Platform SDKs

October 2016 at onefinestay

Christopher Stott — Building buddybuild

Michael May & Naveen Lingaiah — Mentorship

September 2016 at WeWork

Maxim Cramer — Emissions and Extractions: A Tale of React Native on iOS

Sam Dods — Advanced Notifications: Rapid Prototyping and Server-side Swift

August 2016 at onefinestay

Jacek Lampart — Re-Swift Swifty Redux framework

Dani Tomlinson — Real World Swift Performance

July 2016 at Net A Porter

Juan Delgado — Product vs Craft

Kyle Fuller — Testing without Xcode

June 2016 at Yammer

Eduardo Aguilar — Overcoming technical difficulties

Honza Dvorsky — Swift package manager

Rob Elkin — AltConf: Behind the scenes

May 2016 at Hired at Metal Box Factory

Romaine Reid — Utilising Motion Design to Enhance Your App

Roy Marmelstein — Scandal and Controversy in iOS Development

April 2016 at Not On The High Street

Michael May — The empathetic programmer

Marisa Montaldi — Designing for people on the autistic spectrum

Dani Tomlinson — Building APIs in Swift

March 2016 at Pivotal Labs

Johannes Weiß — Technical detail behind the apple-FBI case

Daniel Haight — Implementing a code injection framework

Simon Gladman — Advanced image processing with Core Image

February 2016 at Just Eat

Raimon Lapuente & Gergely Orosz — Sorry Objc It's not you, it's me

Maxim Cramer — Live Design: 🎙🎨

January 2016 at Thomson Reuters

Mannie Tagarira — Code Reviews

Lightning Talks

Bohdan Orlov — iOS Architecture Patterns

Mark Szulyovszky — Quick introduction to RFP with zero theory

Rheese Burgess — Using elm/react inspired architecture to build Cocoa apps in a functional way

Emily Toop — Diagnosing Allergies

Ron Herrema — Developing Sophisticated iOS Audio projects with libpd

Shane Reid — Performance issues at Grabble

Thomas Catterall — Crash Your App: Five Tips In Five Minutes For Building a Stable App

November 2015 at onefinestay

Paul Stringer — Acceptance Testing for iOS

Csordas Csaba — Work hard and REST

October 2015 at Skills Matter at CodeNode

Paul Ardeleanu — Developers' Emergency Guide to Public Speaking

Mike McDonald — Building IoT apps connected through Firebase

September 2015 at The Brew/Judo Payments

Tech Panel (Abizer Nasir, Michael May, Danielle Tomlinson)

Tomasz Piekarczyk — Big Core Data

August 2015 at The App Business

Jani Eväkallio — React Native

John Sundell — Spotify Layout

Marco Sero — Legacy Apps

July 2015 at Yammer

Daniel Haight — Provisioning Profiles

Abizer Nasir — Carthage

Michael May — Apple Pay

May 2015 at Facebook

Alan Cannistraro — The Art Of Creating Products

Honza Dvorsky — Continuous Integration on the Edge

April 2015 at Just Eat

Neil Kimmett — Practical Watch Kit

Rui Peres — Real World ReactiveCocoa

Tom Dixon — A delve into Custom Keyboards

CocoaPods Test Jam! at Facebook

March 2015 at nice Agency

Felix Kraus — Fastlane - OSS tools to automate continuous delivery in iOS

Sean Woodhouse — Reveal 1.5 and some Q&A

February (Part 2) 2015 at Lyst

Johannas Weiß — Type driven development

Uri Baghin — ReactiveCocoa and Rx principles 101

Joel Parsons — The modern password and you

February (Part 1) 2015 at Yammer

JP Simard — Lessons learned wrapping an Objective-C library in Swift

Francesco Petrungaro — iOS App Security - Common Mistakes and Best Practices

January 2015 at Stack Overflow

Mehdi Mulani — Reverse engineering on iOS and Mac

Joseph Lord — Beyond if let

Thomas Catterall — The Dependencies You Didn't Know You Had

December 2014 at Twitter

Joe Hughes — WatchKit

November 2014 at Just Eat

Jon Hocking — 208 weeks later, 4 years of working with great designers

Raimon Lapuente — Little wins with UIAppearance

Meng To — Fast, interactive prototyping

NSLondon(_:) at The App Business

Mike Abdullah — What's new in iOS 8… for Hipsters™

Alexsander Akers — The other WatchKit

NSLondon 13ish at Facebook

Abizer Nasir — Thinking in Swift

Sally Shepard — Making an app like 'clear' accessible

NSLondon 1st anniversary at Just Eat

Scott Goodson

Rob Stearn — Multipeer Networking

Kyle Fuller — A Swift approach

NSLondon 10 at Lyst

Johannes Weiß — Introduction to Functional Programming

Boris Bügling — Custom Playgrounds

WWDC special edition at Facebook

NSLondon 9 at Just Eat

Daniel Haight — Build and Run(time)

Nigel Barber — Drawing on the GPU

Ivan Andriollo — Monitoring network traffic with Fiddler

NSLondon 8 at Yammer

Marin Usalj — All that you won't have heard about Alcatraz

Tim Chilvers — High fashion and intriguing bugs in code and at work

Ivan Andriollo — Monitoring network traffic with Fiddler

NSLondon CocoaPods bug bash at Telefonica Digital

NSLondon 7 at Lyst

Mattt Thompson

Sean Woodhouse — Exploring your apps with Reveal

NSLondon 6 at Yammer

Saul Mora — magicalrecord 3.0

Luka Bratoš — Pony Debugger

Cocoa Kucha 2 - London at The Wayra Academy

Alex Rozanski

Damien DeVille

Fabio Pelosin

James Addyman

Luca Bernardi

Rolandas Razma

Sally Shepard

Stig Brautaset

NSLondon 5 at Telefonica Digital

Matt Galloway — ARM for iOS Developers

Chris James — IAAL - Legal issues in iOS development

Rui Peres — iOS app architecture

NSLondon 4 at Telefonica Digital

Mike Abdullah — What's New in iOS 7, for Hipsters

Lightning Talks

Kurtis Seebaldt — Manage Async callbacks with promises

Kyle Fuller — Memory Management

NSLondon 3 at Telefonica Digital

Abizer Nasir — Submodules without fear

Rob Elkin — AltWWDC - behind the scenes

3D visualization taster class on Google Hangouts

NSLondon S at Telefonica Digital

Nick Lockwood — Transitions

Gianluca Tranchedone — Supporting multiple iOS versions, with Class

NSLondon debut at Telefonica Digital

Matt Galloway — Objective-C: Digging the Foundations

Daniel Haight — CocoaPods for the closed-source contractor

CocoaPods Q&A with Orta Therox